NEO Impact Risk Page Description

Here a description of the data displayed in the NEO Impact Risk page.

NAME: Provisional name assigned to the object
OBS_N: Number of observations of the object
Arc length: Time between the first observation and the last one
Significance Flag: Are the data sufficient to accurately determine an orbit?
Impact Flag: The impact flag can take integer values from 0 to 4: a value of 0 indicates a negligible chance of collision with the Earth, whereas the maximum value of 4 expresses an elevated impact risk. More details on: NEOScan

Impact flag Risk Condition
0 Negligible probability ≤ 10-4
1 Very small 10-4 < probability ≤ 10-3
2 Small 10-3 < probability ≤ 10-2
3 Moderate probability > 10-2 and no significant curvature
4 Elevated probability > 10-2 and significant curvature
V mag: Relative Visual Magnitude
H mag: Absolute Magnitude
Estimated Size: Estimated size of the asteroid, assuming an albedo of a=0.1:

size = 10(3.1236 - 0.5 log10(a) - 0.2H) [km]

MOID: Minimum orbit intersection distance. It is defined as the distance between the closest points of the osculating orbits of two bodies
Motion Rate: The speed of the object in the sky
V inf: (V-infinity) is the velocity an asteroid would have relative to a planet if it were infinitely far from the planet's gravitational influence. It helps describe the asteroid's speed during close approaches.
RMS: Root mean square error of the fitted orbit
Last Update: Last update of the data